
Reading Body Language

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Wild animals use non-verbal cues, tones and gestures to communicate. So do we.
Research shows that about 95% of all our human communications are non-verbal.

Despite your intuitive understanding of gestures and tones; have you ever had a "sure deal" fall through?
Have you ever desperately wished you knew how you were coming across? Or been actively deceived when it really mattered?

Body language training helps you communicate as nature intended.
Humans combine words, tones, movements, and positions to make themselves understood, and they are common cues that anyone can learn to interpret. All it takes is training.

Can you tell when your clients/associates...
• Get the picture?
• Are open to the deal?
• Are stonewalling or lying?

What is your body telling them? Do they know when you are...
• Excited at the prospect of a close?
• Upset by an outcome?
• Impatient, bored, or nervous?
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Body language training...

...can help you read another’s intent. Wouldn’t you like to know what they’re really thinking? Our training teaches you the symptoms of deception, so you can judge the honesty of the people you deal with. You will also learn to greatly improve your persuasive power with gestures, tones, and movements.

Our training incorporates:
Proprietary techniques to assess body angles, positions, and movements; along with eye, head, and facial signals which reveal the real intents of others.
Video vignettes help you learn to read non-verbal communications, and you’ll participate in role playing sessions to practice.

When do you need these skills?
• Any time you are meeting with someone whom you absolutely must convince – or whose intentions you absolutely must read!
• You are meeting with a prospective supplier, and need to know their real capability
• You are presenting an idea, and need to know if your audience is “buying” into it, is rejecting it, or is neutral
• You need to know which elements of your concept are most persuasive and interesting to your audience
• You want to develop a stronger rapport, and be sure to represent yourself in ways that are more believable, and that elicit a welcoming response from the other party

Kudos for Reading Body Language Training Courses

This training is unlike any I’ve ever seen before. I’ve read a few books on body language, but this course goes way beyond those. It teaches you the principles, and uses video clips and interactive exercises to demonstrate their application....This training is a must, especially for those in sales, marketing and purchasing
Mark Rapoport, Strategic Planner, Arkema Group
My professional colleagues have commented to me about how intuitive I am with respect to interpersonal communication. I credit (Bennion’s) training for much of this new found skill.
Stewart McKenzie, Director Business Development, Columbia Chemicals Company
This training delivers … an advanced methodology for validating whether information from sources is accurate.
Michael Forthun, an Atlanta Area Financial Services Company

Contact us today to learn more about Bennion Group